Can you believe that when I Google searched 'fake news generator', it produced 101,000,000 search results in 0.42 seconds? Check it out - https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=fake+news+generator . The first link is https://breakyourownnews.com/ where I could literally create whatever new like meme and if I play the algorithms correctly, could end up going viral. With this kind of capability right at our fingertips, how is anyone supposed to sort through and figure out fact -vs- fiction? Hell, with our most recent "Bullshit" assignment, it presented the idea that liars are a level above bullshitters. I even found out that I have inadvertently been a bullshitter by passing on information that I heard from another bullshitter without doing my own research into it. No wonder the term "Fake News" caught on so quick. "It's remarkably easy for anyone to create a fake news story" an editor at www.CommonSenseMedia.com declared and honestly, I had no idea just how easy it was until now.
[1 image, 2 links, 1 quotation, 172 words]