Now a days it is hard to escape the world of reporting. It seems like everywhere we turn whether on our social media news feeds or watching TV, breaking news is everywhere. Yet, how do we know what we are reading and hearing is real? It takes a sharp mind to double or triple check if the reporting is telling the truth. Trump since he started running for president has lead the attack on news reporting, almost accusing most major mainstream media outlets of reporting fake news; Trump has famously been quoted" Fake news is the absolute enemy of the people and America." I can say that I do agree on one thing with Trump, is yes, there is fake news out there, however the media outlets he constantly attacks like CNN, and MSNBC, I would not say can fall into that category. There are trusted sources who can hold accountable on bogus reporting, but the smaller reporting agencies are hard to tell if they are reporting accurately. Luckily in the world where information is at your fingertips there are many sites, such as that can help you decipher if a story just doesn't seem right. Personal advice from me, if you have to kind of think twice about what you are reading or it just doesn't seem to add up, look further, and be apart of fighting fake news.
