In terms of fake news, we usually think of something going viral online that is not true about an event or someone. However, fake news is not only an online phenomenon. But it is something that is wrongful said from person to person. According to an article of Syracuse University, ““Pizzagate” and the 2021 storming of the U.S. Capitol makes clear, a popular fake news story can result in violent action and fatal consequences.” Apparently, the purpose of spreading fake news varies depending on the person spreading it. Of course, fake news is not something we can only read on newspapers, tabloids, or social media. It could be in our daily basis like people twist facts about someone after learning from someone else. Growing up in Vietnam for almost 15 years, Kyle, my friend, experienced the same thing as he mentioned that “I always learn something new about myself after my mom talks to my neighbors. I remember that I used to go home with my friend late at night. My neighbors secretly asked my mom that I’m dating a guy because she saw we’re always sticking to each other.” I’m sure his story is definitely an example of spreading fake news.
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