Fake news has been spread to many sites around the internet causing so much chaos in America. It has affected presidential elections in the past and has influenced people to believe the wrong thing. Google and Facebook have decided to do something about the issue and track down a solution to fake news being published to the country. Facebook’s spokesperson states, “Our team will continue to closely vet all prospective publishers and monitor existing ones to ensure compliance.” These companies try their best to ban sites that are affecting their company rates.

The New York Times lets the public know that Google understands their issue, “For some time, Google has had policies in place prohibiting misleading advertisements from its system, including promotions for counterfeit goods and weight-loss scams.” After this incident, the company chooses to update their policies with stricter context that will immediately restrict fake news being published.
[ 1 image, 2 links, 2 quotations, 149 words ]