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Fake News vs The Consumer

In the 21st century media is at our fingers every second of our lives. While media has its benefits we also have had to learn to adapt to its downsides. These downsides can cause disinformation or “fake news” which can lead to confusion and belief in false facts. As shown by the image these range from man things such as a satire or parody that misleads people unintentionally to fabricated content which purposely leads people down false paths. There are many reasons that people create “fake news”. In the case of the more innocent misinformation offenders it can be as simple as to get a laugh and brighten a day. In the case of the extreme offenders motives all the way from money to personal gain exist. “In some cases, the articles are designed to provoke an emotional response” ("Fake News," Lies and Propaganda: How to Sort Fact from Fiction,

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