Because such dishonest journalists have created the readers' misconceptions, not everyone can distinguish news's truthfulness. For example, teenagers do not understand enough about a specific problem in society, and such false information further creates their wrong way of thinking. So we always have trustworthy journalists to create articles that confirm the truth of those issues. Besides, networkers report to Fake News to warn readers to avoid confusion with this fake news. Knowledge remains from our consciousness of receiving news from the media.
Frank Yemi. “Barbara Bush Dies After Cruel Death Hoax Is Spread By Website Purporting To Be CNN (Update).” April 18, 2018. Barbara Bush Dies After Cruel Death Hoax Is Spread By Website Purporting To Be CNN (Update) - The Inquisitr. Friday, February 19, 2021.
Madison Malone Kircher. “Donald Trump Didn’t Win the Popular Vote, Despite What Google Says.” Nov. 14, 2016. Google Top Election Result Is Fake News About Trump ( Friday, February 19, 2021.
[1 image, 2 links, 82 words].
