On June 22, 2020, an article from The Sun was published. The article wanted to highlight Father’s Day, which was celebrated the day before on June 21, 2020. Two large images were found at the top of the article with the phrase “Pride and Joy” directly below the images. The image on the left showed a family doing a drive thru graduation while the image on the right showed a dad painting a mural with his daughter. The two images were heart-warming and illustrated how “dads celebrate [Father’s Day] with the children they’ve raised” (The Sun).
In contrast to the cheerful images, the headline on the right side of the images talked about the spike in coronavirus cases. Directly under the images was a headline about health professionals rejecting President Trump’s claim that the pandemic is fading away. Lastly, there was an image of a stadium because the small segment next to it was addressing how the pandemic has caused a decrease in sports revenue. Overall, the author wanted to give the reader coronavirus updates, while also focusing on the Father’s Day holiday.
[1 image, 2 quotation, 1 link, 183 words]