This topic is about this form of finding untruthful information that spreads faster than any virus that can exist out there. People fall so easily into clicking these catchy articles that seem so convincing and i know this because I've fallen into the lies of few distrusted news sources a couple of times. Most encounters i have with falsely information has been through social media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter. An example of one would be from U.S President Donald Trump and his daughter Ivanka Trump from when she gave a speech in 2018, her father came up to her on stage and kissed her on the cheek but social media outlets and other sites altered the image and made it looked like he kissed his daughter on the lips and it gained national attention to a point where different news sources and websites did the job to clarify that the image was edited and so were the videos that were share on Facebook over and over. The image was judged so much that it got my attention that i wanted to do further research about it to make sure how legit it was but turned out it was hoax and people did it for publicity. Here is a link i found that talked about how this was misinterpreted. Also, i wanted to add that i am not into political discussion but this topic was something that came up on my news feed on my Facebook recently once again and i thought it will be a good idea to share something that i am sure some of you have encounter something like this on any social media outlet or not as trustful news source.
