If current events ever come up in conversation with people, they normally refer to two sources of news information: CNN or Fox News. These two news outlets have had a long-standing rivalry with each other as long as they have been in the television news game. Fox is one of the most conservative news platforms in the business, while CNN is one of the more liberal platforms. However, despite one’s political views, which one is the best choice?
In order to answer this question, we would need to compare the two networks. The method used for this was to find one story that each network ran and compare the two styles. Thankfully, both recently ran a nonpolitical story about two tech companies that recently have undertaken a huge task. Fox News sums up the recent enterprise as, “Apple and Google are partnering to build a Bluetooth-enabled technology that could allow widespread contact tracing as a way to contain the novel coronavirus and help countries find a path back to normalcy.”
However, CNN adds this little bit of information to Fox’s statement, “The core idea behind the companies' proposal is a time-tested way of controlling outbreaks: Contact tracing, or the work of identifying how a pathogen is jumping from person to person based on who those people have been in contact with.” While reading the two articles something stood out that I did not expect.
The two are different yes, but one is not necessarily better than the other. When it came to this story, no political bias intervened with the decision making, both told the same facts but in different ways. Fox News’ post is short and to the point, laying out the vital information, citing facts and nothing more. On the other hand, CNN’s post is long, making various points about the main topic and subjects relating to the main topic. While reading the two pieces it really comes down to whichever source the reader prefers, thus that source is what is best for them. If we need information quickly, then we can turn to Fox News. However, if we want a long read with additional outside information, we can go to CNN. There is nothing that makes either one undesirable or better than the other, but rather just different styles of relating and giving the same information.
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