The most important page of a newspaper is the front page. why? because it is the selling point. Journalists use thought-provoking pictures and titles to captivate the readers.
One such example is the March 25, 2018 Issue of The Palm Beach Post. The first thing you see on the front page is a big picture of young-looking girls, one of which is holding a big sign that reads "Protect My Life Over Guns". Regardless of political views, this is sure to captivate the attention of many. It is clear that the purpose of this picture is to appeal to the readers' sense of emotion or pathos. Another portion of the front page reads "America's youth in revolt over guns". This conveys the message that the youth in America are against guns and demand change. The message from this publication is made clear using rhetoric in an attempt to cause the reader to get behind the movement.
(2 pictures, 2 quotes, 1 link, 157 words)