Looking at Newseum’s Archived Front Pages , we can infer that the layouts have required more pictures and less wording on their cover pages throughout time. Specifically, if the front pages revolve their news on social construct, it will mainly obtain a picture of protests, crowds of people, or public involvement. If the front pages are revolving their news on political issues, it is generally a simple portrait of the politician with one major word or phrase grasping the attention of the audience. If the article bases their magazine or newspaper on death as the most important news to deliver, then they will portray a gloomy theme on the cover page. As stated on their website, “NewseumED has posted on its website pages from events that are considered of historical significance and fit its educational mission.” Publishers do this strategy for their front pages to appeal to their specific audiences.
[ 1 image, 1 link, 1 quotation, 150 words]