As I was scrolling through the website I found myself comparing different areas of Texas. The front page of Abilene Reporter News really struck my eye. Abilene is a east Texas town with a very instilled conservative culture. On their front page the main tabloid is about the upcoming big rodeo that is coming to town, it consist a big article of the anticipated event. on the side of the rodeo article is a very small, about a inch thick section with about a paragraph briefly stating what's going on with the COVID 19 virus. This just shows the culture in east Texas that they want to live their lives how they've been prior and make little to no changes.
As I continued scrolling I found my self looking at Austin, Texas's local news paper, The Austin American-Statesman. Austin has been known to be a very liberal area, and you can clearly see that in just their front page of their news paper. The top tabloid is "High Courts void Abortion Regulations" also stated in extra bold lettering. Under that is an extra big section about the increase in regulations related to the COVID 19 pandemic. This is a strong comparison that shows the dramatic culture change that spreads through out the state of Texas.