Normally when you think of Gerrymandering, you either imagine the awkwardly shaped districts in some of our states, or you imagine the picture of a salamander. However, this dastardly practice isn't only going to be restricted to politicians creating un-equal districts...

Much of the political news networks are different based on location, therefore it will provide different bias depending on the location you live, altering what you may think, or information you may get about a certain topic. For example "Push notifications about these stories increasingly frame the same topic in ways that are unique to local and national audiences, often even when they link to the same story" and "That means the tailored frame might be all that the user sees. As a result, geo-targeted notifications have the potential to manipulate the information environment, even through subtle choices about detail or sentiment, potentially exacerbating social-geographic fragmentation and gerrymandering understanding of elections".
“News Coverage Gets Geo-Fragmented.” Nieman Lab,
[1 image, 1 link, 2 quotations, 152 words]