Most of us have seen a newspaper before. In today’s generation a lot of people may not have read it, but they have seen it. Whether they have used it to wrap their glass dishes, saw it on the front of someone’s lawn or seen a movie character reading their local paper. When viewing the paper there always seems to be a common theme. The main story has a big header and a large picture below it. Then, all the other images are a lot smaller. The large font grabs the readers eye. Once they have a glimpse of the story from the title the large image gives them a quick summary of the story. Another method used in papers is having ads above or below the main story. This will make it very hard for the reader to look over. If the reader knows all the ads are on the back, they would probably skip it unless they want to view them, so this makes it inevitable for the reader to view it. The newspaper is set up to capture the reader’s attention, so a catchy bold title and a striking image does the job. Marshall McLuhan stated, “People don’t actually read newspapers, they step into the ever morning.” People enjoy the paper and they enjoy having it organized.
[ I image, 1 quote, 2 links, 220 words]