Today my mom asked me to run to the store to purchase flour. As I walked down the isle in my neighborhood Walmart, I realized that there was no flour in sight. How could Walmart be out of such a basic grocery item? I went home to tell my mom the news as quickly as possible. Apparently all the grocery stores in the area have run out of flour due to popular demand. Everyone must have been stocking up due to corona. First it was toilet paper, then hand sanitizer, then cleaning supplies and now flour. What is next? My mom decided to ask her Facebook friends and she posted, "Does anyone have an extra bag of flour that they would be willing to let me buy? All of the grocery stores have run out." I think that everyone around the world is freaking themselves out more than they need to be about the Corona situation. If everyone keeps buying items because they are scared the world is going to end, then there will be no more items at all and then we would really be in trouble.

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