The new rule stating that only one family member allowed in a grocery store helps those who were unable to receive their everyday food and items such as toilet paper. Before this rule was implied most families would take more than they needed leaving those who wanted to accomplish their everyday shopping without their essential items. Only allowing one family member in the store settles portion control between shoppers leaving those who wanted to get their everyday shopping done to get the items they needed. This is very helpful and gives every family the chance to get what they need without having to beat everyone else to their groceries. I had talked to a worker at the store asking her how she felt about it she explained to me that "With the new rule in place I am able to not feel loads of anxiety." Without implying these new rules many families would be left without a lot of their everyday food and items while other families have much more than is needed.

[ 173 Words, 1 Image, 1 Interview, 1 Quotation]