One of the main issues I see in our community that ranges in all different ages is getting stressed at work or having stress from work. I read an article by "Harvard Health Publishing" that had to do with this topic and I found it very interesting with the techniques they shared for people to use who feel stressed out. All types of jobs brings stress to a person, and that can cause many issues related to health or even mentality. Stress can cause exhaustion, sleep deprivation, insomnia, depression, anxiety, fear, and much more but can also cause damage to the workspace and companies. There are ways to reduce that stress to help you get up and go to work and accomplish by making it through the day, "Relaxation strategies, problem solving, mindfulness, reappraising negative thoughts" (Harvard Health Publishing). These techniques can be very useful when a person is feeling that stress getting heavier and heavier on their back. Reading through these strategies can truly help reduce stress but only if you are able to do what is needed to take that pressure off. Everyone has stress in their life and it is all different types of ways, but sticking to a routine or a technique that can help reduce or get rid of that is very important to not only help you get through the days with your job, but also help your health
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