It seems like most people in America seem to align on one side or the other when it comes to the coronavirus pandemic upon us- it's either a hoax or it's dangerous. When doing my own investigative research over how others view both the virus and the restrictions put on us to slow the spread, I ended with some pretty interesting answers. I asked ten people, aged from 15-60 years old, several questions to get promising results.
In the end, I found that 67% of the younger aged, 15-25 years old, people in my investigation agreed that the virus may not be real or that it does not need to be taken seriously, with only 20% of the older ages believing similarly. One of the older males stated, "This virus is no more worse than the flu. Do you see everyone wearing masks and fearing for their lives over the flu because thousands of people die from it? No. So why is this any different?" I found this comment to be a strong use of pathos. He was very affirmative when stating this and gave me the impression that anyone who disagreed was dumb and uneducated.
On the other hand, 27% of the younger group and 64% of the older group believed that the virus does need to be taken seriously but not too intensely. One of the younger aged females stated, "We can not pretend like COVID-19 is not real, however, the whole world doesn't need to stop because of it. Wash your hands, don't touch your face, and be smart."
The rest of the groups, 6% of the younger group and 16% of the older group, believed that the virus is very dangerous. I also found this comment to use both logos and pathos. She is stating true facts, such as saying the virus is real and you should protect yourself, however, she is also pulling an emotional appeal to convince listeners that it's not the end of the world.
I found these statistics to be very interesting as they seemed to contradict what I had seen on other polls and interviews. According to ABC News' poll, approximately 83% of younger ages were very worried about contracting the coronavirus while only 77% of the older ages were worried about contracting the virus.
[1 image, 1 link, 2 quotations, 384 words]