In today’s era, there are multiple ways news is brought to us. Most commonly through social media platforms. Social media platforms compete with each other to be able to gain the most users, and find ways to spread news quicker. Facebook and Twitter, two of the most commonly used social media platforms are two out of the many companies that news play a huge part in attracting users to go on their platform. Twitter depends on tweeting summarized stories, and short clips, to keep their users up-to-date quickly and efficiently. Facebook on the other hand, have posts go around to keep their users informed. Recently, Facebook has been accused of spreading misleading and fake news, and their response to that is by lessening untrusted content to show up on their platform.”Rather than connecting people – as Facebook’s euphoric mission statement claims – the bitter polarization of the social network over the last eighteen months suggests Facebook is actually doing more to divide the world”. Twitter does not have the same accusations, but their way of stopping fake news was by launching a new search feature that would bring up reliable sources on a topic that was searched.
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