Given the developing events of COVID19, it is without a doubt society has depended on the media more than ever. Today, journalists worldwide continue to strive to report accurate information regarding the virus. Although, this is not to say these reporters do not endure great struggle in attaining data. This existential crisis has brought forth immense tussle to journalists worldwide. Nonetheless, covering this particular issue bestows extreme liability to the writer. Additionally, inaccurate reports are equal to unanswered questions pertaining to the virus. Consequently, lives are on the line when mass media circulate incorrect information. Additionally, in an interview, the Dean of UC Berkley (Ed Wasserman) says, “I’ve never seen a story that has as many perplexing and meddlesome dimensions to it like this one. … The intensity of interest in the story and the consequences of the ways the story is being presented is really kind of massive.” Being a sensitive topic with questionable speculations: it is advised (as always) to take provided news lightly. As for journalists, they continue endeavoring hardships to inform of the mysteries Coronavirus.
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