According to the article 'Trump's grandfather was a pimp and tax evader, his father, a member of the KKK,' the author states that Trump's wealth had come from dirty money. The author used real fact; Trump's family got US citizenship in 1885 NewYork city, or Trump's grandfather owned a restaurant and hotels, to make believable stories. Like, trump families, wealth is made from Hotel business but with the sale of liquor and sex. Also, the author uses article sources to support his story as "A New York Times article published 01 June 1927, related Donald Trump's father Fred Trump's role in a Ku Klux Klan brawl that pitted 1,000 klansmen against 100 New York City Police in Queens. Though he wasn't officially charged, Fred Trump was one of seven klansmen arrested during the incident. It probably wasn't very shocking at the time as America's racist practices were in full swing generations after Abe Lincoln freed the country's African-American slaves. In fact, the mid-'20s saw a peak in KKK activity". the author keeps using the tone to give questions to Trump about his families' dark money and history. Because of this tone and trustworthy sources, many people thought this news is real.
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