In my last blog post I talked about an article that I read discussing how to spot fake news. Of the four main types “Deliberate Misinformation,” “False Headlines,” “Social Media Sharing,” and “Satire,” I decided to talk about Social Media Sharing as I felt that this was the most applicable to the people in my age group and my classmates. However, I will be discussing a different one today, and that is “Satire.” In case you don’t know what satire is, it is the use of humor, irony, or exaggeration to make fun of or mock something. Shows and movies like SNL or Shrek are great examples. But anyways, satire is an “aspect of truth then purposefully twists it to comment on society” and those who do not get or understand the comedy of it could mistakeful receive it as the truth. For movies like shrek this is not really a problem, however for SNL where the comment daily on people, actions, and events that occur, it’s easy to see how the fake news could be received.

[1 image, 1 link, 6 quotations, 177 words]