All students have has to alter how they are gaining their education everyday because of COVID-19. All school has been moved to online learning as well as at home. Though is this most effective? I myself am am a student who has had a to a adjust to this transition and I see its pros and cons. I do like that I can work at my own pace at home and that deadlines are alot more reasonable. Though I feel like I have been assigned a lot of "busy work" that wastes useful time. I am having to focus on a coloring/drawing activity that is due rather than being able to study for an important assessment. I feel that because of our situation, at home learning has involved into something different that its intended purpose. Originally, "homework should not take an inordinate amount of time and should require some hard thinking" according to people who took part in homeschooling. I feel like the efficiency of this process has changed due to circumstances.
[1 image, 1 link, 1 quote, 173 words]