To answer that question, yes there are many new sources that present news in different ways including things such as their headlines, photos, or even their text within itself. For example, provides these articles based on the topic of "U.S. Capital Takover, 2021: Archived Front Pages"; Anchorage Daily News, The Decatur Daily, Arizona Republic, Washington Post, and Tampa Bay Times. Taking a look at these articles you can see a couple of differences and similarities without even having to read the article. For example some differences I noticed in Decatur Daily's title being "Athens man dies at rally", it only talks about this man's death and a little about the mob than later discusses a different topic. Whereas Anchorage
Daily News and Washington Post both have the same headlining picture and the same title "Trump mob storms capital", and explains how violence, mockery, and chaos were being created.

[1 Image, 1 link, 3 quotations, 160 words]