Twitter is one of the most well-known Social medias out there, it is such a great tool to connect with friends, family and the world. You can see what everyone is up to in a matter of seconds, you can see what the newest trends are, who won the sports game, and so much information. However due to the large amount of people and fast and easy accessibility things can get twisted in a hurry. News and information are a lot of the time falsely accused and told from outsiders point of views. Fake news is spread out so quickly that when the real news come out its so hard for it to get a spotlight because the whole platform already has judgement on it. “Compared to tweets about claims that were verifiably true, tweets about claims that were undeniably false were 70% more likely to be retweeted in the Twitterverse.” Not all things you see retweeted or liked by your friends and family is always true, there’s a lot of fake news floating around on Twitter.