Dictionary.com defines fake news as “false news stories, often of a sensational nature, created to be widely shared or distributed for the purpose of generating revenue, or promoting or discrediting a public figure, political movement, company, etc.” With the age of smart phones and social media, we run in to fake news sources constantly. It can range from someone posting a photoshopped picture onto their Facebook timeline to an entire news publication fabricating a story that has not occurred. A lot of the rhetoric surrounding fake news or sources with a bias stem around language choice that is used to persuade or manipulate the reader into believing the information being presented. With a quick click of the “share” button, this false information can be shown to every person on someone’s friend list, which can then be shared to another’s friend list, and so on and so forth… It makes it very simple for these ideas to spread like fire.
[1 quote, 1 link, 1 image, 158 words]