Journalism, as defined in Merriam Webster; is the collection and editing of news for presentation through the media. Journalism is a craft and takes a lot of time and dedication to form a story. In today's society journalism is everywhere, you can find many pieces all over the internet, social media sites are currently huge platforms. With that being said there are various issues and opportunities that come with being a journalist.
For example, being of a certain race can lead to many career downfalls and obstacles just for having a certain name or for your appearances, as proven by Tonya Mosley, “Trust me — every person of color in your newsroom has a story about how a manager questioned either their news judgment, their diction, or whether they could be neutral or objective.”
Another issue would be the lines crossed when it comes to getting a story. An example would be, news source TMZ releasing the death of Kobe and Gianna Bryant to the public before the authorities had time to notify their family. In that situation it was definitely immoral and unethical for such a big company to release that information under those circumstances, but journalism is a very competitive career and if you want to be the best you have to be first. Which leads to job insecurity for journalists because there is not always going to be a great story to tell that will make a good profit. Also by trying to be the first on sight or first to release the story, it makes the audience question the credibility of the source because a lot of the times by rushing the work, it doesn't give much time to fact check parts of the story.
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