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Journalism and the Future: Everyone’s favorite: COVID - 19

Amelia Jáuregui

In the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, every outlet we look at is talking about just that. Every news station is giving information about new cases and statistics that are being updated by the minute and social media has people posting about what they are doing during their time of quarantine. And, while it’s important to be informed and updated in these crazy times, it is also being annoying and tiring to keep hearing the same unfortunate information.

What does this have to do with the future you may ask? Well, for at least the next few months, this will continue to be the talk of the town. Because everyone is being asked to stay indoors, there really isn't any “new” news to talk about, therefore resorting back to what is already being said daily. Additionally, for the long future, this is something that is already going down as history as we live it. I bet it will become a part of the curriculum for students, and it will create ideas for books, movies, and other forms of entertainment. 

After talking to my brother, Andrew Jauregui about his thoughts on journalism and the longing effects of the virus, he told me that “I imagine that the virus will be talked about for a very decent amount of time, as this is a significant event that is happening not just in our area, but in our entire world. Articles about this are being posted by the minute.”

When simply googling, “Corona Virus”, there is so much happening on that first page of google, that nothing will be stopping anytime soon. It starts with the CDC's official page, then goes everywhere from articles, videos, statistics and more. So no matter how tired we may be of this particular topic, it’s something that won’t ever go away, even when the virus does. It will be a part of journalism forever.

[1 image, 1 link, 1 quotation, 310 words].




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