These few years, journalism industry's decline cause severe job loss and many companies are struggling to survive. Base on the Business Insider website data, 7800 people lost their media jobs in 2019. Journalist Rachel Glickhouse claimed that in 2020, "journalists will continue to lose their jobs and have to make important decisions about their livelihoods"
The journalists job loss problem relate to the closure of the massive newsrooms. A research shows that half of newsrooms employees have shed since 2008. It is not surprising that the most vulnerable newsrooms is newspaper newsrooms because nowadays people seems already abandon the most traditional ways to get news.
Even though many efforts have been made to change this situation, however, the result is not satisfactory. At present, the struggling journalists still waiting for solution to end the dilemma they have encountered.
[1 image, 2 links, 1 quotation, 138 words].