Journalism has many different meanings, and even so, many different job instructions. According to Heather Bryant in her article over journalism, "There’s the accountability mechanism of an independent press — the information system that helps people navigate their decisions, the narrative connection that facilitates our exposure to and understanding of one another.....". As well as there is another part of journalism that is "the industry of news media — the one that packages up journalism as a product ... and trades on it ... as a commodity, cloaked in the nobility of the mission, protected by a First Amendment designed for the service, while steeped in many of the same industrial misdeeds that many other corporations commit". She introduces two different kinds of high power jobs that are so different no one would think that these two types of jobs are related. However, she goes into detail about how the news media rooms aren't as important as high class journalism. She thinks that if any kind of journalism should be non-funded and disappear that it should be the the business side that "package[s] up news content and audience attention as a commercial product and prioritize that over serving the informational needs of audiences". It's interesting to hear about how two different sides of journalism can be so different and so against each other. There is a feeling that if one goes then so may the other, so instead of fighting a battle of who's better maybe a team should be formed to keep journalism alive!
[ 1 image, 1 link, 3 quotes, 253 words]