Viewing NeimanLab’s Predictions for 2021 page, one story stood out. C.W. Anderson, an assistant professor at the College of Staten Island, suggests that journalism will end up changing under Joe Biden’s presidency. During Donald Trump's presidency, Anderson claimed journalism changed dramatically “by taking an increasingly oppositional stance toward the Trump administration” (par. 1). He explains that this occurred because “the political elites have revealed themselves to be quite problematic” in the 21st century, which forced many journalists to change their style of writing about politics due to the great division between “a responsible liberal-centrist governance wing and an almost nihilistic right-wing populist insurgency of deliberate misgovernance” (par. 3). As Biden takes office, many journalists are curious to see how journalism will change under his presidency.
[1 image, 2 links, 3 quotations, 126 words]