While writer Kerri Hoffman believes that podcasts are an increasingly viable outlet for journalism in 2020, Steve Henn goes a step further in imagining the different things that audio itself can grow into. When podcasts first came into being fifteen years ago, they were nowhere near as popular as they are now. Coming into play alongside all the other wonders that the internet has provided us, podcasts and other audio mediums are constantly growing and giving an even better user experience. Henn, who works for Google, says ‘what a podcast “can be” and what digital audio “can do” are both expanding.” From companies that lead the industry, such as Google, and even smaller companies, such as Hoffman’s PRX, developing the ‘audio-web’ into the greatest it can be is a massive undertaking with potentially incredible results. Henn summarizes his goals in a single succinct sentence: “we’re committed to building the tools creators need to set up sustainable businesses that support beautiful and important work — a place where everyone is welcome.”
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