Journalism has been around since the sixteen hundreds and has been reporting interesting stories around the globe to share with all. Through journalism we have been able to see and experience other cultures, history and stay involved in recent events. In the article I found it talks about some of the most famous journalists and the topics they reported on throughout the world. One of the top journalists listed was Walter Cronkite, he was referred to as “most trusted man in America” and did reports on many key historic events. “A correspondent for United Press during World War II, he famously covered the Nuremberg trials in Germany. After joining CBS, he reported on the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the battles over civil rights, the Vietnam War, the Apollo moon landings, the death of Beatles musician John Lennon and the Watergate scandal.” Cronkite went on to write an autobiography about a reporter's life that became a bestseller and was a winner of numerous awards. He sadly passed in 2009 at the age of 92. Journalists have made a major impact on how we receive our information.
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