Nowadays, there are so many journalists making their name known across the world. One notable journalist today would be Paul Salopek. Paul was raised in Mexico but is a worl-renowned journalist and writer from the United States. He is most noted as a two-time Pulitzer Prize winner. He uses various rhetoric strategies to get the attention of his readers. For example, during "Out of Eden" Paul uses a lot of enticing imagery of his environment throughout his 21,000 mile journey to grab the readers' attention. Another example would be his use of an attention-grabbing subtitles and descriptive text to further explain that same enticing subtitle. Throughout "Out of Eden" Paul uses the subtitle "In 2013 a reporter set out to retrace our ancestors’ global migration." Already as the reader I'm wondering what does this subtitle mean and how will this reporter "retrace" migration. Then Paul goes on to explain that his "21,000-mile odyssey is a decade-long experiment in slow journalism. Moving at the beat of his footsteps, Paul is walking the pathways of the first humans who migrated out of Africa in the Stone Age and made the Earth ours." First off, I am blown away that he conducted a decade long journey and secondly, I'm shocked that he did all this on foot. At this point, Paul has fully grabbed my attention as what he states stuns me as the reader. It is no wonder why Paul is revered as one of the top tier journalists in today's day and age.
[1 Image, 1 Link, 2 Quotations, 252 Words]