When most people think of journalism, you think of written work that is published on the internet or on paper via news articles, magazines, newspapers, and more. However, a new form of “journalism” is becoming quite popular amongst today’s society, and that platform is YouTube.
YouTube can be used for a variety of different things, such as tutorials, entertainment, interviews, etc, but for The Crosbys, it is a way to document their families daily life.

The family first got their “big break” thanks to their oldest daughter, who went viral for her singing abilities at the young age of four years old. SInce then, Claire has been on the Ellen show multiple times, and had some super cool opportunities that most children never have. Claire is now 7 years old, and has continued to pursue music in a fun and entertaining way with the love and support of her family.
All their content is family oriented, and it’s not hard to get sucked into their everyday lives, as it is a beautiful growing family that loves each other and what they do very much.

As good parents, both Dave and Ashley Crosby are in charge of the social media accounts and what is posted online, as a 7 year old should not be the one doing all that. But when your child is a mini star, and gets opportunities to do neat things like go on to the red carpet premiere of “Onward”, fun things like wearing a little lipstick or a cute jumpsuit bring out comments that aren’t always positive. Because of this, Ahsley decided to post a picture on her instagram that shared just what she thought about people critiquing her parenting.
“Times of heavier criticism make me realize how important it is for me to teach my kids to build each other up in any situation and to be stronger than those who feel the need to break people down. And as for my lipstick wearing child, she’s back in her light up tennies today and feeling great about our fun adventure at the red carpet. Let’s all spread love, people!”
Overall, this fun loving family truly just wants to make the most of the opportunities that have been presented, and continue to do what they love, which is to sing and make music together as a family. Whatever comes along their way from their, is up for them to decide, but for now they are just going with the flow.
[2 images, 2 links, 1 quotation, 411 words].