NiemLab is very interesting because of the perspectives that journalists bring to the readers. I read an article by Aaron Foley titled, "Diversity gains haven’t shown up in local news." Aaron has great points in that the recent years have brought different races/ethnicities to the usual news teams, but that development only occurs in major cities like Washington or NY and not the smaller, inner-cities. His example was his hometown of Detroit, Michigain, discussing the Detroit News. "At The Detroit News, several Black reporters and editors have been laid off or bought out in recent years" and these spots seem to be going to white reporters. The examples were interesting and I'd like to expand on this. Generally major metropolitan areas are known to be more "woke" and this explains the increase in minority representation in all facets of those cities. However smaller cities and towns have the name of being more conservative, ergo not changing with the progressive movements occurring in the U.S. as of recent years. This is highlighted because I can envision the change taking place within the next 5-15 years. America is not the same place it once was and people's mindsets and ideals are changing as a result, introducing more diversity is only going to benefit companies and communities by providing opportunities and reducing nepotism. "What general-market local newsrooms fail to understand is that readership is inextricably tied to representation," a legitimate phenomenon. People like to associate with familiar surroundings, whether it be because those surroundings remind them of family, childhood environment, etc. Viewership will definitely go up!
[1 image, 1 link, 2 quotes, 263 words]