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America's Shadow

The “March for Our Lives” movement was about gun restrictions, new rules, and regulations to keep children safe in schools from gun violence. The similarities that are between the front pages are that they utilize large visual pictures that sit in the line of sight of the reader. The majority of the newspaper’s fronts use large type in bold to bring the reader’s eyes to the image(provided by the link). The 4 newspapers that do not have such large titles, instead move the picture to the center of the page to gain the readers’ attention (New York Times, Boston Sunday Globe, Washington). While other newspapers that have smaller fonts dedicate entire halves of the page to the movement. The words that each of these news outlets use are children, students, arms, and guns that are telling you who they are and what they are opposing.

[1 image, 1 links, 2 quotations, 146 words]

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