The March for Our Lives protest, while it seems millions of years ago when we think about all of the happenings of the past 2 years, was one of great magnitude. “The March for Our Lives movement was started by the survivors of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., on Feb. 14 that claimed 17 lives”(2018 March for Our Lives: Archived Papers, Newseum Ed). The movement was meant to push for common sense gun laws after. This travesty inspired many newspapers to add the story to their front page. The public rhetoric used on these front pages, in the visual form, put an even larger precedent upon the issue. On The Palm Beach Post’s newspaper they used big bold letters and a quote alongside a picture of protestors to hook their audience in and then left the textual content on the side. The big bold letters are a massive source of rhetoric that the newspapers use. They are the first thing you see and they draw you in. Then, the picture helps you grasp the situation and understand the conflict, the driving force of entertainment. Finally, the textual content comes in and this is where you become entranced with the actual story. Together these 3 elements masterfully combine to aid the rhetoric of the newspaper.

“2018 March for Our Lives: Archived Papers.” NewseumED,
(1 quote, 1 image, 1 link)