Approaching journalism with new ideas on how to make it thrive once again is fantastic. There are so many new ways to increase productivity and achieve goals within the newsroom, but only some of those new ways will create a noticeable difference, and this is what journalists must focus on in order to thrive. Tanya Cordrey points out that “many teams within news organizations have become obsessed with process and being agile — making methodology rather than outcomes their north star.” This is a major issue! Not every idea is a good one, and not every good idea is a great one. Even great ideas may not open a door (or enough doors, depending on the goals they are trying to achieve) and it may not make sense to implement. Making smart and informed larger choices for your individual goals can do more for you than taking small things that may or may not help a little and implementing them. Cordrey finishes off by saying, “As we enter 2020, publishers will begin to recognize that they need new need strategies, new propositions, and a deep understanding of how they add value for their different audiences in order to build the next phase of sustainable growth.”