The competitive nature of news and journalism leads companies to take step towards gravitating in the audience. Tactics vary from company to company but remain generally similar.
The CNN News app first brings the viewer to a page where they are able to alter what their feed will discuss, first about region, whether they wish for just heir country or international news, then separate topics like politics and the latest breaking news. This allows the viewer to fell in control rather than the company controlling them and what they view. It also increases the chances of app use from the viewer if they chose to see a certain topic. There are options to listen to audio news live rather than reading an article or watching a video, a convenient tool nowadays. The audio is in 2 different languages in an attempt to aid a large audience, as well as international and local news. The viewer is also able to browse certain topics and articles as well as save articles and videos they wish to view later.
For the Fox News app, a notification appears that informs the viewer to subscribe to customization alerts, once again making the viewer feel as if they are in control. this is followed by a bit of persuasion on what the app is able to provide for the viewer. finally, the viewer is asked if they will allow notifications to appear on their phone. if the opening page is felt open for just a few minutes, notifications will pop up, almost giving a sense of urgency and may be interesting to the viewer. Once the first notification has passed, the viewer is able to see articles on the page, along with options to browse other topics, watch relevant videos, and listen to a few news podcast episodes so that the viewer is not limited with reading an article. The viewer is also able to save articles and videos for later viewing.
These two news apps are nearly identical in the ways the abilities they provide for the audience. However, CNN News seems to be calmly persuasive and a more "do as you please" manner rather than the flashy manner and urgent notifications of Fox News. As James Pasley stated in his article about CNN and Fox, "CNN specializes in straight news and Fox News in opinion." Whichever the viewer gravitates towards, both apps for these news channels provide similar resources in their effort to reach more people.
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