Recently "#FloridaMorons" has been a trend on social media, showing several Floridians crowding to the Jacksonville Beaches after Mayor Lenny Curry partially reopened them on Friday, April 17th (despite the concerns of Covid-19). Florida International University, on the other hand, has had doubts about the truthfulness behind this current social media mediocrity.

Susan Jacobson, Ph.D., and Maria Elena Villar, Ph.D. from Flordia International University explain why there is only a little truth to the trending images. "Some of the most popular images used by the news media were taken by photographers Sam Greenwood and David Rosenblum... when they visited Jacksonville Beach on April 17", "They both took a series of images, some showing crowded conditions, some showing sparse gatherings and some showing mixed conditions". The two professors also explained that "This is a classic case of framing through the editorial selection of a photo to illustrate an eye-catching headline" although they stated it didn't seem to be a direct slander attempt by news organizations either.
Jacobson, Susan, and Maria Elena Villar. “Distinguishing 'Truth' from 'Fake News' Is Not so Simple.”FIU News, Florida International University, 29 Apr. 2020,
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