On February 1st, 2021, the Government of Myanmar was overthrown in a coup by the military. Because of this, many peoples basic rights were stripped away as there is no legal body to check this behavior. In an effort to capture the "anti-junta" protests, 6 reporters have been taken into custody by the Myanmar military and were not even allowed to be tried at court. Instead, they "attended the hearing via teleconference from prison." As of now the reporters are not hurt but their living situation is not the best. "More than 70 people have been killed and about 2,000 [were] arrested in a crackdown on protests." The military claims its not because they have any ill-will towards reporters but because the reporters were causing unrest throughout the city. In my honest opinion, it seems as if the military is only trying to silence the protest activity that seem to be growing everyday.
[1 image, 1 link, 3 quotes, 153 words]