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Power in the Image


One thing that is shown throughout these front pages of the website is that all of these newspapers are complementing the Great Nelson Mandala (Montegrumy Advisor talks about them mourning) from calling him an “Icon of peace” and (my personal favorite)” Conquer of Apartheid.” The newspapers layouts all revolve around having a picture from and center but what separates them from each other is the way they dedicate that page for newspapers like de Volkskrant have the entire image take up the majority of the page, unlike the newspaper The New York times dedicating half the page and a smaller image. A newspaper that has a solid balance of this is the Irish examiner, Chicago Tribune, and The Royal Gazette. The images that grace these pages are ones that show histories as the image of Mandela in prison in the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post. In contrast, others show the Icon of peace smiling during speeches and relaxing during his days of conquering apartheid. Another observation between the pictures is the use of color or black and white. From my viewpoint, the Black and White pictures seem to give more power and deity presence of the image by taking away the colors you have only attracted the person it was taken about. In contrast, colors highlight a more happy atmosphere and not a tense atmosphere.

[1 image, 1 links, 2 quotations, 224 words]

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