In 2004, when Facebook was made in Cambridge university, the internet accelerated to collect personal information. We inform the internet what our favorite food is or what type of videos we would like to watch. It seems like it would make our life easier and convenient, but we query: what other information about us that we don’t want the social media to show to the public. Journalist Lauren Carroll claims that "internet providers and advertisers can glean more significant personal information about their customers from Internet browsing patterns."

Including browsing history, it collects whatever that represents us and share with others saying like: "Henry liked this page." And news media or any advertisers that have similar orientation as my history will keep showing up in my feed. Since we have easy access to others' social media and feeds, the internet providers and your peers will see whatever you would like; it is not necessarily information that is okay to be shown. It could be very personal.
[1 image, 1 links, 1 quotation, 166 words]