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News in Social Media


Social media is a common place for young adults and others to find daily news. This is an interesting concept, considering false information can easily be provided on social networking apps such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. "Several studies have determined that social media is an unreliable source for solid information." These apps work hard to destroy any fake news they can, but it's simply not possible to erase all of it. Too many people spew false information daily. Mostly Facebook and Instagram censor information that is deemed dangerous or false. This is a rhetorical strategy they use to make users feel that they are always getting real information from these sources without having to double check. Twitter censors less information, and allows users to argue and debate over certain topics. This is a way to make people think that they are entitled to their opinions, which keeps them coming back to Twitter for news. TikTok is an app that allows users to say almost whatever they want without criticism. Users are able to turn off commenting or sharing, which helps them feel safer about sharing opinions in public.

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