When people think of major news sources, Fox News is most likely towards the top of their list. Why is this true? The answer to this question is fairly simple: the basic rhetorical choices they make on how they want to present their information.
The main rhetorical choice they choose to make is how they display and organize the main categories of information on their site. At the top of the website, there are a series of links that will list different subsections within them, which will lead the readers to a bunch of articles about that topic. For example, In the "Business" category, there are five main subsections, "Markets," "Politics," "Technology," "Features," and "Business Leaders." This form of organization allows the reader to find exactly what they are looking for without too much effort, which could be the difference between gaining or losing readers. If the audience can find exactly what they are looking for in a short period of time, Fox News will be able to draw in a larger audience. However, if it is too difficult to find an article that catches the reader's attention, they will lose interest and turn to a different source for information. Because of the organization of their site, Fox News is able to attract as many readers as possible to their site.
[1 image, 1 link, 6 quotes, 221 words]