Front page news means it's BIG, its IMPORTANT, and everyone should know about it. I looked over different newspaper's front pages during the height of Hurricane Katrina's carnage. Our Southern neighbors expressed more compassion using emotional words and photographs of destruction.
The states that emboldened words surrounding death and devastation were mainly the other states that shared the Gulf with Louisiana. They featured larger, shorter titles and devastating images, covering mostly, sometimes only, the events taking place in New Orleans.
The New York Times article gave it some attention and interestingly, also quoted insurance experts claiming the possible $9 billion in damages could make Hurricane Katrina "one of the costliest storms on record." An article below it discusses its possible impact on oil prices. The storm's effects hardly made it to New York and the focus of each culture is interesting to see.
(1 image, 1 link, 1 quotation, 954 words)