One interesting idea is how different news companies get you to read their articles. Whether that may be through colors, catchy titles, or eye-popping pictures, every media outlet wants to get you to read their articles. However, these methods and their legitimacy differ greatly. Many of the more established news sources, such as BBC and The Washington Post use much more professional colors and titles, such as the colors black and blue. The titles on these websites are much more polished and professional as well, implying knowledge over the subject, such as "Prince Philip has died aged 99, the Royal Palace confirms"(BBC News). Less established websites such as buzzfeed for example, use colors such as green and yellow to incite emotion and get you to click on the eye popping colors. They also use more subjective titles to get you to have a reaction and want to read the article.

(153 words, 1 image, 1 link, 1 quote)