COVID-19 is a virus that seriously affectS working-class individuals, especially health workers. Although health workers are already important they have done so much through this pandemic. As a person whose families consist of nurses and doctors, hearing stories of what they go through and how they take safety precautions when seeing their loved ones sheds a light on how real this is. While doing some research on COVID-19, I came across an article which talks about a nurse's daily life during this pandemic. Author, David Levine interviews a registered nurse named Consuelo Vargas. Vargas tells Levine that after his shift ends, he often stays longer to help his co-workers and would also come to help out on his days off. In addition, Vargas says, " Nurses are facilitator of healing, and we do this through science-based interventions but also through human connection, touching, listening and understanding." (Levine). Some individuals don't acknowledge how much healthcare workers do for us and take it for granted, but instead should be grateful for how much they do.
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