Many news nowadays has an opinion, which sometimes creates a bias for the consumer. Opinions can be reflected and can change anyone's viewpoint. What makes a news article different than opinion pieces. The main thing to note is that an article should always tell the audience if the article is an editorial or a news article. Editorials provide one viewpoint, and they use the first person in their writing. The article is convincing you or changing your perspective even though it is informing you depending on your viewpoint, and it can be biased. On the other hand, news articles inform you with no opinion. They present different viewpoints and use other people's sayings to provide you information. Now in newspapers, it is stated where is the opinion but internet is a lot different. "In print, opinion columns are always at the back of the paper's first section, editorials are typically on the left-hand side of one of the last pages and there might be an editorial cartoon or two as well." (Miller)
Internet is a lot different because people don't use one source for their news, so it gets a lot harder to spot opinion.
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